Grow On Linkedin with our content service!

We create daily B2B Linkedin social content that engages your audience and positions you as a thought leader in your niche.

Get a 🔥 content marketing, social media and video production team that specialize in B2B SaaS, for the less than the cost of a junior marketing hire.

We've helped over 100 Companies backed by leading investors:

Industry News Content

We'll find relevant articles that are aligned with your target audience and turn them into engaging posts. This is the industry news strategy

Linkedin analytics tool dashboard view

Educational Content

We'll turn thought leadership from blogs, interviews, etc and turn key insights into shareable carousels and listicles.

Linkedin analytics tool content view

Video Posts

6 Metrics

We'll edit video interviews, podcasts, webinars etc and create engaging video posts.

Linkedin analytics tool profile view

Audience Insights

20 video lessons        |        4hr 2 mins

Learn more about your target group and your profile visitors. Detailed statistics which help you to connect better.

numbers with text marker for analytics dashboard

We'll provide an introduction to the site build section of the course.

numbers with text marker for analytics dashboard
Homepage: grid-based hero section

Build a layout powered by CSS grid. This lesson covers building and stying the grid section, image block, content block, and body tag.

pi chart blue analytics
Homepage: navigation

Configure a site navigation bar that links to each major page and stays fixed to the top of the browser's viewport.

numbers with text marker for analytics dashboard
Homepage: testimonials

To emphasize both trust and authority for Hayes Valley Interior Design, we'll integrate CMS-driven testimonials on the homepage.

pi chart blue analytics
Homepage: footer

Build a grid-based footer section which houses the company logo, navigation links, and business information.

wave chart blue analytics
Homepage: responsiveness

Test and adapt responsiveness and fluidity for the homepage layout on desktop, tablet, mobile landscape, and mobile portrait.

bar chart blue analytics
Portfolio page

Build a portfolio page that spotlights the value your client has to offer their potential clients.

heatmap icon
Portfolio page: responsiveness

Configure the portfolio page so that it is responsive across device and screen sizes.

pi chart blue analytics
Portfolio page: client detail page

We'll design a client detail page from scratch based on our CMS...and we'll watch as 8 more client detail pages generate automatically.

wave chart blue analytics
Portfolio page: client detail page responsiveness

We'll take our client detail page and optimize it for desktop, tablet, mobile landscape, and mobile portrait.

bar chart blue analytics
Process page

In this lesson, we'll break down each of the four steps clients go through when they work with Hayes Valley Interior Design.

numbers with text marker for analytics dashboard
Process page: responsiveness

The process page will be tested and optimized on desktop, tablet, mobile landscape, and mobile portrait.

numbers with text marker for analytics dashboard
Team page

The team behind Hayes Valley won't just get headshots; they'll get automatically-generated, CMS-driven links to their bio pages.

heatmap icon
Team page: responsiveness

We'll take everything we designed in the team page and make it work across all device types.

heatmap icon
Team page: team member detail page

We'll build a full bio page for each and every team member at Hayes Valley Interior Design.

pi chart blue analytics
Team page: team member detail page responsiveness

We'll take each team member's bio page and test and adapt it for desktop, tablet, mobile landscape, and mobile portrait.

wave chart blue analytics
Contact page

We'll make a full contact page that has a contact form and additional contact information for Hayes valley Interior Design.

bar chart blue analytics
Contact page: responsiveness

We'll make the contact form and the additional contact information work across all kinds of devices.

pi chart blue analytics
Contact page: reCAPTCHA setup

reCAPTCHA is more than a word. It's validation for humans using forms.

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Homepage revisited: secondary sections

We'll revisit the homepage, adding sections that link to Hayes Valley Interior Design's process and team member pages.

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